Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New stuff

So a new year, a new blog post. Yes it is a goal of mine to be a more frequent blogger, starting now.
This year I was glad to finally launch the updated version of the school application system I had been working on. I decided to migrate the system I had made the year before into the Cakephp framework, which allows for more rapid development in expanding the site in the future. It took months of learning, programing and planing to make the uninterrupted switch to the new system. I am pleased with the progress, this version includes translation of the entire site in to German. Daily we work to expand the function of the site,  today we scratched the surface of using Ajax for form validation and submission. If you don't know what that is.. that is ok. ;-)

I would like to share something I captured last year when I set up my camera up in the castle during a typical coffee break. This is a good picture of what it is like in the base here during a large school in the fall. It can be quite an adventure to get to the coffee pot some days. I like this because it also captures how much life is in this place. (Sorry it is not HD.. I don't have such a camera) Here it is... Enjoy!

The waves of young people going into the nations does not look to be slowing down anytime soon, as God is awakening more and more young people motivated by love to go and live out his kingdom. May this continue to be a place of God's presence radiating out to the nations. May we have wisdom for the practicalities and a fire burning within our own hearts as we receive and send these many people. 

Till next time, please leave your comments and questions bellow.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Where I am right now

At this moment I am sitting on the edge of the Nooksack River in Everson my home town. Here for a few short weeks visiting my family during the time of my brother Josh's graduation from highschool. An event, that for me, happened four years ago. At the time, I believe as I walked across the platform they announced that I was "undecided" about my post highschool plans. It is unbelievable to me what I have experienced in the years since! After all I did make some directing decisions, mostly I decided to go, and that I have.. time and again!

It is my desire to try and at least share my experiences with the creation of this blog.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - Jesus Christ
I must admit that in someways I have been overwhelmed by the troubles of this world, but I really want to be someone who can "take heart," and know the joys of life. Looking at the world today there are some major problems that require no less than a move of God to restore justice. What does Jesus mean that he has "overcome the world?" What does that look like? May our eyes be open to see the meaning of this.

So today, I hope I can begin to make record of this rich story as it unfolds in my life. I soon fly back to Germany where I will continue on as volunteer staff at the YWAM base in Herrnhut. The time here at home has been refreshing, to feel again the support of friends and family. I look at how things worked out, the many people I was able to see, the way God can richly bless a short visit by arraigning meetings with friends I have not seen in a long time.

God is good.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Return to Herrnhut

For those who are interested I created a collection of short clips on my journey back to Germany...